
Hautelinks- Week of 6-28-12

Hautelinks: Week of 6/28/12

Hautelinks - your weekly source for the best of the web

* WWD reports on the growing trend of “social gaming,” and how fashion brands are using it to market their products. So interesting!

* We love these DIY golden tube bracelets from Honestly, WTF.

* Speaking of bracelet DIYs discount coach handbags, these delicate chain bracelets from Stripes & Sequins are adorable and super easy to make.

* One more cool DIY that will have you saying “why didn’t I think of that?”: DIY Glitter Nail Polish, from The Beauty Department.

* Also DIY-related: The Top 10 Resources for DIY + Craft Supplies. Bookmark this!!

* 6 Things to Know About Coconut Oil, from Stylelist – have you tried this beauty wonder yet?

* The Gloss shows you How to Become a Hugely Successful Fashion Designer. Hahaha Coach Outlet, so great!

* Oh my god, I wasted HOURS reading these and laughing hysterically – funniest thing I’ve seen in weeks (if you’re geeky or have ever worked in retail/the service industry, you will understand): Reddit: What is the dumbest/most clueless customer you have ever dealt with?

* Geeks will also appreciate this: Alex, no.

* Okay, the text may be in Dutch, but the pictures explain it well (plus you can always use Google Translate if you need more explanation): Union Jack Manicure Tutorial.

* Olivia Palermo shares a quick trick to figuring out the best place to apply your blush.

* Coffee Visualized in 27 Strong Infographics�?just try to read these and not crave Starbucks.

* Chictopia asks�?Does Personal Style Come at a Price?

* Seeing Nora Everywhere: Lena Dunham Remembers Nora Ephron. She will be sorely missed.

* From Freshome: 11 Clever Ways to Maximize Space in Every Room of your Home. Great tips louis vuitton bags sale, even if you live in a studio apartment coach on sale!

* And speaking of your apartment, Apartment Therapy lists 10 Household Items You Can Clean in One Minute (and Probably Should).

* Refinery 29 did a list called 30 Under 30, highlighting the “rising stars” of New York City in various industries.

* 5 Ways to Style a White Collared Shirt, from A Beautiful Mess. Literally all of these are adorable.

* From P.S., I Made This, the colored layer cake! This is pretty much the best birthday cake ever, especially if you’re a big Pucci fan.

* I really enjoyed Kryzuy’s tips on how to dress with a formula – shorts and heels are so cute for summer, and the formula could be re-worked so many different ways depending on your body type and style.

* The Glitter Guide shows you how to do the Carrie Bradsahaw bun, aka the ideal summer hairstyle.

* One of my personal favorite blogs, I Heart Organizing, did a great DIY Rope Basket tutorial that’s pretty cheap and would be great for a dorm.

* Another one for cleaning/organizing freaks: How Do Hotels Always Feel So Fresh and So Clean?

* Remixing Everything: BuzzFeed and the Plagiarism Problem, from Gawker. What do you think – is re-posting without attribution like Buzzfeed does different from what Gawker does with news stories?

* Also from Gawker, The Internet Has Decided that Sarah Jessica Parker and Victoria Beckham Are Secretly Working on a Clothing Line. Oh Coach Factory Outlet Online, we hope this is true!

* Loved this: How to Be Smart, from Dumb Little Man. (Ha!)

* And finally, just because I am amazed at how many comments it got: What wine pairs best with the Taco Bell Crunch Wrap Supreme? Oh, Reddit, I love you so.

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